2022 Spring Meeting: Call for Papers

Location and dates: Eastman School of Music (Rochester), April 9-10, 2022

Deadline for proposals: Wednesday, February 23

The 2022 spring meeting of the New York State – Saint Lawrence chapter of the American Musicological Society will take place on Saturday and Sunday, April 9-10 at the Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester) in Rochester, New York. We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations on all areas of scholarship in music, in addition to proposals for panels or other alternative format sessions.

In keeping with Eastman’s Centennial Celebration, we would like to encourage proposals dealing with any kind of musical performance or with the history and politics of music education in the United States. The Chapter Meeting will also take place concurrently with the 50th-anniversary conference of the Music Theory Society of New York State; panel proposals combining presentations by musicologists and music theorists would be especially welcome. 

The conference will feature a keynote address by Professor Sherry Lee of the University of Toronto, along with a graduate student workshop on a topic to be announced.

Please use this submission form to submit abstracts of no more than 250 words. The proposal form will also ask you to indicate your name, affiliation, and contact information, as well as any unique tech and/or accessibility requirements; please do not include your name within the abstract. Graduate students who wish to be considered for the AMS-NYSSL Student Paper Prize should check the appropriate box on the form. The submission of an abstract presupposes that the proposer agrees to present the talk should the program committee accept it. For questions about submissions, please contact the Program Committee Chair, Holly Watkins (Eastman School of Music), at hwatkins [at] esm [dot] rochester [dot] edu. The deadline for proposals is Wednesday, February 23, 2022. 

You do not need to be a member of the AMS or the NYSSL chapter to submit a proposal. Should your paper be selected for presentation, you will need to pay the meeting fee ($20 for full-time faculty, $10 for all others) and become a member when you register for the conference. 

For more information about the conference, please visit the AMS-NYSSL website. Information on local hotels, B&Bs, and restaurants will be posted there as it becomes available. We hope to offer travel stipends to help offset graduate students’ transportation costs. 

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