Program for 2020 Chapter Meeting

Tentative Conference Schedule

Thursday, April 2
Coffee, tea, and light breakfast snacks will be available beginning at 9:45 am

10:00 am: Welcome

10:15 am: Style, Identity, and Influence in the Early Twentieth Century  
Jewish Difference and Commedic Recovery: Korngold’s Die tote Stadt in the First Austrian Republic
Amanda Hsieh, University of Toronto

Between Scriabin and Schoenberg: Influences and Anxieties of Nikolai Roslavets Reconsidered
Lana Forman, York University

Tin Pan Alley’s Lace Curtains: Irish Diaspora and Italian Opera in the Music of Chauncey Olcott
Sarah Gerk, SUNY-Binghamton

11:45 am: Coffee break

12:00 pm: (Un)Surprising Origins
The Alia musica and the Carolingian Conception of Mode
Matthew Nace, University of Western Ontario

A Glimpse into Music for Sunday School in Nineteenth-Century Switzerland
Dianne McMullen, Union College

1:00 pm: Lunch/Graduate Student Workshop

2:30 pm: Music and Utopian Futurities
Janelle MonĂ¡e: Pushing the Boundaries of Inclusivity with the Afrofuturist Aesthetic
Amy Feeney, University of Denver

#MeToo and the Utopian Potential of Popular Music
Nikki Pasqualini, Cornell University

Rewriting History: Music and Empire in the Age of Brexit
Trevor R. Nelson, Eastman School of Music – University of Rochester

4:00 pm: Coffee break

4:15 pm: Keynote: Vera Lynn in Nashville (1977): White Working-Class Femininity and Transatlantic Affinities
Christina Baade, Professor of Communications Studies and Multimedia, McMaster University

5:45 pm: Dinner at Merrill House

7:30 pm: Screening of The Goddess [ShennĂ¼] (dir. Wu Yonggang, 1934, 73 min)
With live musical accompaniment by Min Xiao-Fen and Rez Abassi

Friday, April 3
Coffee, tea, and light breakfast snacks will be available beginning at 8:45 am

9 am: Rurality, Place, and Sound
Studying Score Sketches of Music for Wilderness Lake
Sarah Teetsel, University at Buffalo

Wait Just Ah-One, Ah-Two: Rethinking Champagne Music as a Distinct American Style, 1955-1982
Brian Peterson, Yale University

“Wayfaring Stranger” and Dolly Parton’s Compositional Voice
Lydia Hamessley, Hamilton College

10:30 am: Coffee break

10:45 am: Identifying Sexual Assault in Operatic Repertoire: A Workshop
Julie Anne Nord, University of Western Ontario
E. Margaret Cormier, McGill University

12:15 Annual General Meeting (over lunch) (Colleen Renihan and Kirsten Yri)
Announcement of the Graduate Student Paper Prize

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