2019 Chapter Meeting in Kingston, Ontario, Canada

2019 Meeting of the NYSSL Chapter of AMS
Dan School of Drama & Music, Queen’s University, April 16-17, 2019

Deadline for proposals: Friday, Feb. 1

The 2019 spring meeting of the New York State St. Lawrence chapter of the American Musicological Society will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday 16-17 April at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Information on local hotels, B&Bs and restaurants will be posted on our website as it becomes available.
On Tuesday night, conference attendees are invited to a performance entitled “Seven Deadly Sins” by Soundstreams Canada at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts: an original and entertaining evening of new songs by Canadian composers and singer-songwriters.

We welcome papers on all topics, in addition to panel recommendations, or other alternative formats. We also wish to encourage proposals for a session of lightning talks consisting of five-minute research presentations on any topic.

We will also be hosting a graduate student workshop, as we did last year. This year’s workshop will focus on crafting cover letters for various types of positions (both academic and non-academic).

You are invited to submit abstracts in all areas of scholarship on music to the Program Committee Chair: Colleen Renihan, Queen’s University, at colleen.renihan-at-queensu.ca. The deadline for proposals is Friday, February 1, 2019. In the body of an email, include your name, title of the paper, affiliation, and contact information. Please attach an abstract of no more than 250 words to your email (.pdf or .docx). Do not include your name in the title or in the abstract document.

Accepted papers should be 20 minutes in length. Note: The submission of an abstract presupposes that the proposer agrees to present the paper should the program committee accept it. Review of proposals is blind.

You do not need to be a member of the AMS or the NYSSL chapter to submit a proposal. Should your paper be selected for presentation though, you will need to pay the meeting fee ($10/$20) and become a member. The fee can be paid in person at the meeting.
Graduate students may request to be considered for the annual AMS-NYSSL Student Paper Prize. Graduate students will also be supported in their travel to the meeting—we hope to offset graduate student travel by offering travel stipends that cover a portion of students’ transportation costs to the meeting.

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