Suggested Amendments to the Bylaws

Below are the suggested amendments to the chapter's bylaws. They are intended to streamline the running of the chapter and reduce protracted searches for volunteers. They are posted here for comments and discussion prior to voting. Please add your thoughts as comments to this post. An e-vote will take place June 10, 2016. Please watch your inboxes for this.

1. Removal of the Nominations Committee from the Bylaws language.

Old: The nominating committee present a double slate of candidates for the offices of Chair and regular representative to the council. At its discretion, it may present only one candidate for the offices of Secretary-Treasurer and student representative to the council. A ballot with the slate of candidates shall be sent to the Chapter membership least four weeks before the announced voting deadline.

New: The Secretary-Treasurer shall send out a call for nominations with a two-week deadline. The Officers of the chapter/Executive Committee will consider members’ nominations and self-nominations and present a slate of candidates for the offices of Chair and regular representative to the council. At the Executive Committee’s discretion, it may present only one candidate for the offices of Secretary-Treasurer and student representative to the council. A ballot with the slate of candidates shall be sent to the Chapter membership at least three weeks before the announced voting deadline.

Rationale: It is difficult to find volunteers for a Nomination Committee, especially without relying on the same members.

2. Old: The Secretary-Treasurer and a teller approved by the Chair shall tally the election returns. In case of a tie, the vote will be decided by polling the Executive Committee.

New: The Secretary-Treasurer shall tally the election returns. In case of a tie, the vote will be decided by polling the Executive Committee.

Rationale: The teller adds another layer of difficulty in getting candidates elected in a timely fashion, and seems unnecessary. Three weeks is realistic, and enough time.

3. Old: The standing committees shall be Executive and Nominating. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Committee should rank suggested candidates preferentially and obtain the topmost candidates' consent to serve, before placing candidates' names on the ballot. The Committee's work should be concluded at least five weeks prior to the voting deadline. All candidates for office must be members in good standing of the Society and the Chapter.

New: The standing committee shall be Executive.

Rationale: It is extremely difficult and cumbersome to find volunteers for a Nomination Committee.

4. Old: The Chair shall serve a two-year term commencing with the annual meeting of the Society in odd-numbered years. A Chair may not be elected to a second term in office.

New: The Chair shall serve a two-year term commencing with the annual meeting of the Society in odd-numbered years. A Chair may be elected to a second term but may not serve more than two successive terms in office.

Rationale: Given the low enrolment and changing demographics of our chapter, it is difficult to find people willing to serve. There is also an advantage to having some continuity in the positions.

5. Old: At the discretion of the Nominating Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer may be presented as a candidate for a second, directly successive term in office.

New: At the discretion of the Executive Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer may be presented as a candidate for successive terms in office.

Rationale: Given the low enrolment and changing demographics of our chapter, it is difficult to find people willing to serve. There is also an advantage to having some continuity in the positions, especially as regards the financial reports, the AMS reporting, and the bank accounts (both US and Canadian).

6. Old: The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Committee should rank suggested candidates preferentially and obtain the topmost candidates' consent to serve, before placing candidates' names on the ballot. The Committee's work should be concluded at least five weeks prior to the voting deadline. All candidates for office must be members in good standing of the Society and the Chapter.

Rationale: Remove this layer for ease of operation.

7. Old: The Chair shall hold a business meeting at the annual meeting, during which the Secretary-Treasurer shall read the minutes of the preceding meeting and present a financial report.

New: The Chair shall hold a business meeting at the annual meeting, during which the Secretary-Treasurer shall present the minutes of the preceding meeting for approval and present a financial report.

Rationale: Reading the minutes can be completed in advance (online).

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